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- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # ec2_cost: approximate EC2 cost (USD) of the current instance
- # Copyright (C) 2008 Canonical Ltd.
- #
- # Authors: Dustin Kirkland <kirkland@canonical.com>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- PKG="byobu"
- for arg in $@; do
- case "$arg" in
- -d|--detail)
- ;;
- esac
- done
- # Approximate Instance Cost Basis
- # US Europe
- # Small (1cpu, 32bit) $0.10/h $0.11/h
- # Medium (2cpu, 32bit) $0.20/h $0.22/h
- # Large (4cpu, 64bit) $0.40/h $0.44/h
- # XLarge (8cpu, 64bit) $0.80/h $0.88/h
- # Count CPUs
- cpu_count=`grep -c "^processor.*:" /proc/cpuinfo`
- [ -z "$cpu_count" ] && cpu_count=1
- # Apply the going rate
- CPU_RATE=`echo "$cpu_count" | awk '{printf "%f", 0.10*$1}'`
- # BUG: Some logic needed here to add 10% cost for Europe instances?
- # Data Transfer Cost Basis
- # Incoming $0.10/GB
- # Outgoing $0.17/GB
- # (This gets more complex if you use >1TB/mo)
- RX_RATE="0.10"
- TX_RATE="0.17"
- # Auto detect network interface
- IF=`tail -n1 /proc/net/route | awk '{print $1}'`
- ifconfig_out=`/sbin/ifconfig "$IF"`
- # Calculate bandwidth cost
- tx_gb=`echo "$ifconfig_out" | grep "TX bytes:" | sed "s/^.*TX bytes://" | awk '{ printf "%f", $1 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 }'`
- rx_gb=`echo "$ifconfig_out" | grep "RX bytes:" | sed "s/^.*RX bytes://" | awk '{ printf "%f", $1 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 }'`
- network_cost=`echo "$tx_gb" "$TX_RATE" "$rx_gb" "$RX_RATE" | awk '{printf "%f %f", $1*$2, $3*$4}' | awk '{printf "%f", $1 + $2}'`
- # Calculate uptime cost
- # BUG: This will only calculate uptime since boot!
- # Some additional input will be required to account for reboots!!!
- hours=`awk '{printf "%f", 1 + $1 / 60 / 60 }' /proc/uptime | sed 's/\..*$//' `
- uptime_cost=`echo "$hours" | awk "{printf \"%f\", "$CPU_RATE" * $hours}"`
- total_cost=`echo "$network_cost" "$uptime_cost" | awk '{printf "%.2f", $1 + $2}'`
- if [ "$DETAIL" = "1" ]; then
- echo "================================================"
- echo "Estimated cost in Amazon's EC2 since last reboot"
- echo "================================================"
- echo " Network sent: $tx_gb GB @ \$$RX_RATE/GB"
- echo " Network recv: $rx_gb GB @ \$$TX_RATE/GB"
- echo " Network cost: \$$network_cost"
- echo "------------------------------------------------"
- echo " Uptime: $hours hr @ \$$CPU_RATE/hr"
- echo " Uptime cost: \$$uptime_cost"
- echo "------------------------------------------------"
- echo "Total cost: ~\$$total_cost"
- echo "================================================"
- exit 0
- fi
- printf "\005{= KG}~\$\005{-}\005{=b KG}%s\005{-} " $total_cost